Thursday, December 6, 2018

Four bugs people have experienced with their iPhone X

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There had been so much hype from everyone everywhere when Apple announced the iPhone X. And even with the incredibly steep price tag, people were keen on purchasing the model and not allow anything or anyone to stand in their way. However, it was quickly discovered that though impressive for several reasons, the iPhone X was far from perfect.

On that note, let’s take a brief look at some of the bugs of the iPhone X.

Screen lag

The OLED screen of the iPhone X is what sets it apart from the competition. However, this state-of-the-art, much-talked-about piece of tech was plagued with problems. Owners all around the globe have reported the screen’s lack of responsiveness and even a problem with the panel as exhibited by a green line on the screen.

Face ID problem

The Face ID program was a great way to make Apple products more secure. However, iPhone X users quickly discovered that Face ID for the device had bugs and at times could not recognize the faces of owners.

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Bad speakers

A number of iPhone X users have also noted that turning the volume of the device way up will cause the speakers to crackle. While this is more of a hardware flaw than a bug, it is still very disconcerting given these are brand-new devices.

Kati Volitich is a computer engineering major at UC Berkeley. Since she was a kid, she has always been curious about technology, and these days, the fascination hasn’t waned, as she can’t wait to get my hands on the latest gadgets in the market. For similar reads, visit this page.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How the management of mobile devices affects smaller companies

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It’s hard to imagine a company today that doesn’t use mobile devices. The demand for mobile phones, tablets, and laptops has increased, especially in business operations. This is why it’s important for business owners to be adept at managing the use of these devices in their companies.

Hundreds, if not thousands of companies nowadays, have a budget for acquiring mobile devices for their employees to use. But it doesn’t end there. Mobile device management, or MDM, has become a discipline and a part of operations in itself.

Allowing employees access to a company’s mobile devices entails a whole lot of responsibility. Not only do managers need to make sure the devices are being used to their maximum capacity, managers also need to ensure the safety of sensitive information.

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MDM utilizes technological tools that connect and protect the devices of a company and its operating systems and security apps. Normally, the business’ IT professionals are the ones responsible in setting up these systems and overseeing their use.

There are also plans and policies in case a device is either lost or stolen. MDM regulates the installation of programs as well as internet access for employees, to make sure the programs used and the websites visited are all beneficial to the company.

While mobile devices can bring a host of benefits for a business, owners also need to be vigilant and employees need to be aware of the responsibilities that come along with having such tools.

Hey there! Kati Volitich here. I’ve long acknowledged the fact that there will always be room for improvement in every area of our lives. Technology has become a crucial part of today ’s world, and we can’t afford to be separated from it. Learn more about me and the stuff I’m passionate about here.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Science-backed tips for a better night’s sleep

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It’s common knowledge that getting at least 8 hours of sleep is a must. However, it’s easier said than done. Stress, anxiety, work-related endeavors, and nighttime activities are common factors that keep you up at night. Here are some tips to help you get a satisfying round of sleep.

Dim your lights: Turning your lights down low is one of the most effective things you can do if you are trying to fall asleep, especially if you are irritated by bright lights. Minimize your screen time after 8 in the evening to signal the body that it’s time to rest, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time in front of the computer or TV.

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Set an alarm for bed: While it is a common task to set the alarm to wake up, setting a specific time to go to bed can also help you to prepare yourself for rest. Resist the urge to snooze, and avoid constantly changing your rest time for later.

Don’t drink coffee in the afternoon: An afternoon coffee fix will certainly keep you up at night, as it stays in your body longer than you think. Keep the caffeine limited and consumed early in the day.

Set an ideal temperature in your room: A room that’s too cold or too hot can mess up your sleeping patterns. Set the temperature between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, as advised by doctors.

Katina Volitich received her degree in Biomedical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude. While she maintained her 4.0 average, she took part in school activities and societies such as the Society of Women Engineer and Biomedical Engineering Society. To read more articles like this, visit this page.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The ABCs of securing an external USB hard drive

External hard drives offer the benefit of portability, especially when one works with huge or time-sensitive files for school or in business. They can be brought home or anywhere without having to bring the whole laptop or computer with it. The potential downside is its security can be comprised, making it important to go the extra mile to secure and protect it from intrusion.

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Password-protect it

Download and install an encryption program, such as True Crypt or Ax Crypt. Plug in the external hard drive to the computer and wait for the computer to detect it. Save data because the encryption process involves formatting the drive and wiping all data from it. Choose the password you want for access to the drive.

Afterwards, proceed with the formatting and encryption, and then select the drive letter you want to mount the external hard drive in. Type in the password one more time to access the drive and then move all files back. Know that when assigning a letter to a hard drive, it applies only to the computer that assigns the letter. When the hard drive is plugged into another computer, it will use whatever letter is appropriate for the slot, as determined by the hardware on each computer.

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Put physical precautions in place

Connect the encrypted external hard drive carefully, and do not leave the computer and the hard drive unattended. Lock the external hard drive in a secure location, such as a safe or a file cabinet. Store these gadgets, including the computer, in a private, lockable room accessible to authorized persons only.

Kati Volitich is a lover of all things tech. She is a computer engineering major at UC Berkeley, and a fan of tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Amazon, and Google. Learn more on this page. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What The Future Holds For Smartphone Technology

Smartphone technology has evolved greatly over the last five years. Features that seemed otherworldly are now in the palm of our hands. These gadgets help us navigate through our daily lives, and it’s almost impossible to leave the house without them.

Design. Smartphone technology incorporates clever designs, almost ergonomic to some. Flagship phones from Apple and Samsung are a mix of fragility and expensiveness. While the design is topnotch and elegant, consumers should either be extra careful with their handling, or mask the beauty of the phones behind cases.

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Built-in projectors. The Samsung Galaxy Beam, which was released mid-2010 was the pioneer phone to have a WVGA projector as feature. Future smartphone models are set to have the same feature as brands are venturing in the world of interactive gaming without the need for a TV or computer screen; all consumers will need is a flat surface.

3D screens and holograms. Apple’s Retina Display is still the king in the screen category. However, this peak in smartphone technology will be challenged by 3D screens and holograms. There are a few smartphone models with 3D screens already, and the step after that would be holographic projections.

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Not everyone will be all set for the future of smartphone technology. Some Apple fans were dismayed with the iPhone X’s lack of home button and other awry features, but that won’t stop them from purchasing the latest model the brand has to offer. Android enthusiasts think they’ve seen it all, but after the release of Oppo Find X, they know there’s more to watch out for.

Hi there! My name is Kati Volitich, and I’m a computer engineering student from the University of California, Berkeley. I love all things tech, especially smartphones and computers. For more updates regarding smartphone technology and more, subscribe to my blog.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mid-year review: Slickest laptop trends

From the massive machines in the early 2000s to today’s light models, laptops have gone a long way from what they were before in terms of form and function. Every year, people spend millions on their technology, and manufacturers keep on raising the bar just to make sure the purchase was worth it. This year, we’ve seen so far some trends that everyone is shifting to, or at least are being recognized and applied by major brands. Here are the latest in laptop trends. 

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Ultra-thin bezels aren’t new for Dell with its XPS models, and almost every manufacturer is following suit. People are seeing the benefits of having more screen real estate. Smaller bezels mean a smaller body, making laptops smaller but still with a relatively large screen. 

Every brand is stepping up their game with regards to their thin and light gaming laptops. This means more improvement in screen quality, keyboards, GPU performance, and cooling systems. With regards to the screen, everyone is trying to aim for better color accuracy given that the same gaming laptops are being utilized by content creators. And the improved GPU performance and cooling systems reassure gamers and content creators less throttling and faster work speeds. 

Lastly, several laptops have included 4K options when it comes to screens. Of course, this limits the battery life by a margin, but the brightness and color accuracy you get with a 4k panel is simply top notch. 

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I’m Kati Volitich, and I’m computer engineering major at UC Berkeley. I ’ve always been curious about technology, and these days, the fascination has n’t waned, as I can’t wait to get my hands on the latest gadgets in the market. For more reads on today’s technology, click on this link.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Essential Skills Software Developers Need

Software developers or engineers are a primary reason people can enjoy computers, smart phones, and other similar devices that are used for personal consumption or in the workplace. Because of this, software developers will always be needed.

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Those interested to become one would have to attain the following skills:

Technical skills: Of course, the foremost qualification that every software developer should have are technical skills revolving around programming or writing codes.

Problem-solving: Software development is all about solving problems, because programs or applications are designed to provide solutions for wide-scale and small-scale user problems. It is for this reason that programmers need to continue practicing their craft.

Initiative to learn: The field of software development is in constant flux. Those who practice this profession should always aspire to acquire knowledge and learn the latest in the market, technologies, and technologies.

Working with other people: Writing codes may be an individual undertaking, but software developers rarely work on a program or system on an individual basis. Most of the time, they have to collaborate with others, thus, they should learn how to communicate properly and share responsibilities with teammates.

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Attention to detail: Even a single syntax error can infect a program with bugs. Attention to detail is then necessary. Software developers must be able to locate and identify even the smallest mistakes in the code.

Career opportunities abound for computer engineers; and one of the options is software development. If you want to read more about the field, follow me, Kati Volitich, on .

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Teaching Aide: How Laptops Promote Classroom Learning

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Studies point to the role of laptops in helping students achieve their full academic potential. A 2016 Michigan State University study, for instance, probed the nearly 100 studies of the use of laptops in the classroom and found that when provided with laptops for use in the school and at home, students improved their learning in subjects such as math, science, and English. They got more feedback on their writing, and they edited and revised their
school papers more often.

Here are several ways that laptops foster a better learning environment in school.

It makes room for new teaching methods: One such technique is the flipped classroom model, wherein students watch lectures at home on their laptops and then discuss their learnings with their teachers and peers in class. Using computers, teachers can personalize academic instruction more, giving students more options to explore in honing their learning.

Fosters online collaboration: Laptop use provides curriculum support and online collaboration among students, making learning more fun and interesting especially among the tech-savvy ones. As a result, students’ computer skills are also honed and improved.

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Smoothens the learning process: Laptops help teachers and students alike keep track of assignments and projects. These gadgets allow students to receive, view and submit their work online via email rather than having to print them out and shortens the review process as teachers can return assignments and provide feedback digitally.

Helps teachers: Instructors can take notes in a common document or an online program for sharing with each other, and they can browse the web for important resources and training materials to enrich the classroom discussions.

Kati Volitich is a twenty-something-year-old gal who loves all things tech and is currently working on her degree in Computer Engineering at UC Berkeley. More on Kati here.