Friday, January 11, 2019

Should you upgrade your graphics card to start the new year?

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First off, the big issues involving the ridiculous pricing of graphics cards or GPUs in the past couple of years are a result of the rise of cryptocurrencies and the so-called “Bitcoin-mining.” The process of mining digital money involves the use of the fastest graphics hardware on the planet.

However, finally, things are looking brighter. It’s safe to say that this month leading to July will be a great time to consider finally upgrading your aging GPU. This is because prices are now stabilizing as cryptocurrency values begin to dip. Digitimes was even quoted as saying, based on a comprehensive study of the market, that prices will drop by an average of 20 percent in the first half of 2019.

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More and more smaller companies are considering leaving the crypto-mining industry due to the steady drop in the price of Bitcoin. Nvidia itself, which has benefited most from the mining revolution, reported that it expected GPU sales to crypto-miners to go down by as much as two-thirds during the last quarter of 2018.

All in all, these next few months may just be the window we’ve been waiting for if we are to commit to upgrading our graphics cards. After all, cryptocurrency is not going anywhere and should rise again soon. We should take this current and most-likely temporary drop in price to grab that shiny and powerful new GPU.

Kati Volitich here, a student at the University of California, Berkeley currently studying Computer Engineering. My field of study specializes in areas such as digital systems, operating systems, computer networks, software, and more. Click this link for more computer-related posts.

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